Welcome to day 42 of lockdown colleagues, and here we are contemplating what the heck happened, and where to next?
Life’s taken a massive unexpected tumble and it all seems bizarre. We experience mixed emotions of disbelief and denial as we scroll through the news channels and wish it were fake news. As marketers, how are we supposed to survive this onslaught?
Stock markets and crude oil prices have crashed, while grocery prices and the cost of hand sanitizer and face masks have skyrocketed. Medical staff are suddenly and deservedly, worth more than their weight in gold.
The business world is unrecognizable, and I am wondering what the marketing gurus like Philip Kotler are saying now?
Kotler enjoyed opening each chapter with a quote. One I particularly remember was from Marketing Strategies, where he used lines from Lewis Carroll’s infamous Alice in Wonderland.
“Cheshire Puss” Alice began… “would you please tell me which way I ought to go from here?”
Lewis Carroll
“That all depends on where you want to go to,” said the cat.
How profound given our current circumstances!
Come to think of it, his Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel, Through the Looking-Glass, may ironically provoke a much deeper leadership meaning than what he intended. He was noted for his talent at word play, how welcome at a time like this.
I have selected a few which have great relevance to us as marketers and breadwinners at this time:
“I can’t go back to yesterday, – because I was a different person then”
Lewis Carroll
Life has taken a dramatic turn affecting all of us. How we deal with that curved ball will determine our success or failure.
Right now, our thoughts are about survival tactics. Dodging the virus, being compliant with lockdown requirements and wondering about our financial security.
When we do emerge from the lockdown tunnel, we will have to take stock and recalibrate.
Perhaps it will help to have a philosophical view of things, given the uncertainty and lack of clarity we are experiencing. Maybe its best that we should not worry about things that we have no control over.
Enjoy the opportunity that “life’s pause- button” has provided us. The blessing of family time, reflection, spirituality and time for one-self, a bit like pushing the “refresh button”. Embrace the opportunity that we have been given to recalibrate.
‘But I don’t want to go among mad people,’ said Alice. ‘Oh, you can’t help that,’ said the cat. ‘We’re all mad here.’
Lewis Carroll

We are all in the same boat right now. Life cannot be normal until we find a vaccine. The spin off from this mad situation, is that for the first time, we are unified in fighting a common enemy. Practicing social distancing, wearing face masks and sanitizing have become the norm. Working from home as well as on-line learning and shopping, will also become standard ways of operating. There is a growing sense of anti-Chinese sentiment, especially regarding medical supplies and equipment. New markets are already emerging regarding local manufacturing and dollar-based exporting of these items. What are your thoughts regarding these new opportunities; remember there are no mad ideas.
“We called him Tortoise because he taught us”.
Lewis Carroll
What lessons have we learnt from this catastrophe? Which ones have great value in shaping our destiny? Our People need us to show them how to cope. Let them help you build your business recovery plan, after all, people support what they helped create. Encourage brainstorming and innovation to identify new opportunities, new revenue streams and new ways of working.
Alice asked the King for advice –
“Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end, then stop”
Lewis Carroll
“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there”. The sober reality is that the old plan does not fit, and we need to build new ones. A master plan is needed personally, spiritually, economically and career wise. Business plans and operational plans need to be urgently revised.
At a personal level, the implication of the financial impact on our investments and day to day existence needs to receive our priority.
The lockdown has also provided us with the opportunity to reset our work-life-balance goals.
Complete a 360-degree audit of where you are at realistically and formulate new plans. Build new dreams and have a determined idea of where you are heading, so you can get going again with new timelines and a determined passion, courage and effort. Do not wait for the end of lockdown, use the quiet time available to start your recovery plan.
“One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing, is what we do for others”
Lewis Carroll
No matter how trying our own circumstance seem, appreciate that there are many people that find themselves in a far more desperate situation. Accept that we cannot fight the tide single handedly and that we are all interdependent. There has never been a better time for collaboration, comradeship, teamwork, and compassion, as right now.
Encourage friends, family and colleagues to support a cause that will assist others in need. Remember that those closest to you will also need your support. Small gestures of goodwill and imparting skills will go a long way in making a positive difference, which is good for the soul.
When we emerge from this, let us ensure that our contribution makes the world a much better place. Let us not waste the opportunity!
My article is a small gesture of Ubuntu and I hope that it prompts a helpful discussion of thoughts and ideas, so that you can unlock the input and collaboration of your colleagues and your management team.
Best of luck.

Lawrence Wordon
PS – I will gladly avail my services to assist you in building your revised business plans.
Email – lawrence@fuel-track.com
Website – https://fuel-track.com/